Thursday, April 7, 2016

Sex 101 : How To Make a Woman Orgasm

Earlier this morning, I was asked to make a post about how to make a woman orgasm. It's easy, really. It's not rocket science. It takes time though since most women take longer to climax than their male partners. And that's perfectly normal since once a woman orgasms, continuous stimulation allows her to keep on orgasming! Just keep water handy though, you don't want to dehydrate her.

There are three different ways for a woman to achieve an orgasm. There is orgasm from oral stimulation, G spot stimulation and the other one is from vaginal penetration. But before we move on, let's have a quick overview on facts about orgasms.

  • More than 70% of women have orgasms as a result of direct clitoral stimulation and unlike men, we can enjoy multiples!
  • Sigmund Freud (psychoanalyst) claimed that women can have two types of orgasm - clitoral and vaginal. But in 1966, sex researchers Masters and Johnson revealed and proved that there's only one female orgasm; just more than one way of reaching it.
  • 70% of women have faked an orgasm. Surefire ways for guys / gals to tell it's real include retraction of the clitoral hood just before and orgasm, racing heart, dilated pupils, vaginal muscle spams, arched feet and stiffened nipples.
  • Less than a third of all women regularly orgasm during sex.
  • 1% of women can orgasm from breast stimulation alone! 
  • Orgasm is marked by the release of tension more than the increase in pleasure. While an orgasm can be "that" intense, volcanic eruption we're so used to hearing about, it can also be much less pronounced and defined. Orgasms come in different intensities. (The first woman I've been with was the type where she would just tremble, tense up and orgasms silently. The second one was the intense type. She would moan like crazy before and during orgasms.)
  • Only 13% of the women of the world can squirt. (Both the women I've been with before were no squirters. So am I.)

1. Be comfortable

- Basically, don't be a douchebag. Don't be an asshole. Be a gentleman. Make her comfortable about the whole ordeal. Don't be in a hurry. Engage in a conversation. Compliment her. Make her feel good with your words. If she's not comfortable, she'd feel conscious and awkward and that would ruin the build up of orgasm that you're trying to create.

- Set up the mood. Dim the lights. Caress her. Lightly kiss and touch her. Slowly but surely. I know, it sounds torture when you're all raring up to go but it's gonna be worth it anyway.

2. Tease before you please

- Once she's all comfortable, move to tease. There are many different and surefire ways to tease a woman. Our dear friend, trusty ol' Google can help you up.

-Do not immediately work on her vagina through penetrating it with your fingers or tongue. Build up the momentum and do not be in a hurry to make her cum. Remember, it is the process that matters, not the end. The longer you tease her, the more intense her orgasms will be.

3. Work your way up

- Start your orgasm quest by exploring her body to find her most sensitive area. For most women, that would be the clitoris. For others, it may be inside the vagina -- near the G-spor ot deeper in, near the cervix. It can also be the labia, nipples or even her belly button. It differs for every woman so leave no body part untouched. Once you've found it, slowly work your way by stroking and massaging your new found happy place, do it slowly according to the pace that you are following. Let her relax and focus on the sensations that you are giving her.

- Remember to increase your pace from time to time or if you'd rather give her a rollercoaster ride, you can switch pace every now and then. Just make sure that it won't be an unpleasant experience for her.

4. Release, relax and continue

- Gradually increase your pace and focus on her sensitive areas. Most women can climax simultaneously so let her relax a few seconds after orgasming. Allow her to enjoy the sensation before building up another orgasm.

Here are more tips that can help you make a woman orgasm.  

  • Time stress is a real problem. If she thinks it’s taking too long, that will make it take even longer. You can make this better or worse by what you say and how you react. She needs to know her climax is important to you – that you don’t feel satisfied until she’s satisfied. Let her know you’re happy to give her all the time she needs.

  • Rushing can result in a faster but less pleasurable climax. A couple more minutes can make a huge difference. Let her know you understand this, and you see quality as more important than speed. In addition to letting her enjoy more, this further reduces her time stress.

  • Let her guide you on how long foreplay lasts. Both too little and too much can slow her getting to climax.

  • If you’re trying for climax during intercourse, her being on top can greatly improve things as it allows her to move and get what she likes and needs.

  • Enjoy yourself, and make sure she knows you’re enjoying yourself. This is a real turn on, and it helps her relax.

  • Asking her about her progress will only make her aware of the time and slow things down. If you must ask her about this ask what she wants rather than anything that sounds like “Are we there yet?”

  • For women climax requires feeling safe, relaxed, and not at all distracted. You can do a great deal to help her with these things:Let her unwind before you start any hint of foreplay. Five minutes of talk before sex can cut ten minutes off the amount of foreplay she needs.

--Relax her body with a bit of massage where she’s stiff or sore.
    --Make sure you have privacy – no chance of someone walking in, no fear of someone hearing.
      --If there’s a phone where it could be heard, it needs to be totally silent. Just hearing it vibrate can be a problem.
        --Make sure she’s comfortable – good position, warm or cool enough. 
          --Be clean – she’s more sensitive to odours, and they can distract her.
            --Trying to carry on a conversation is going to distract her. Don’t say much, and try to say things that don’t indicate you expect a response. If you need to ask her something, try to word it so she can answer with a single word.

            Good sex isn't just about being able to orgasm every time. Reaching climax is just the third stage on the circle of desire (arousal, plateau and recovery are the others). For women, it's possible to feel sexually satisfied at any stage - not just when you orgasm. It's not about the destination, my dear readers, it's about the journey!

            Saturday, March 12, 2016

            Sex 101 : Woman on Top

            Being on top of your guy can be awkward and tiring if you're not used to it but guys love it when you take control and it makes them go gaga. In fact, in a poll conducted by Cosmopolitan, it is the top ranking position that guys love. It looks like seeing you in all your glory as you straddle him on top gets his libido going.

            But let's face it. You might end up being uncomfortable and tired, specially on the legs. Honestly, you're not gonna feel that way if done right. Being on top offers more gratification than other sex positions because it lets you feel closer to your partner and puts you in charge of your own pleasure. You decide how fast the pace is and how deep your guy will enter you, making it more likely for the woman to reach an orgasm. It might sound like sexual science fiction but woman on top is supposed to be comfortable, make you feel seductive and sensual and offers a high probability of an orgasm. 

            So to help you feel good about it, here are 4 ways to master the woman on top position.

            FIRST TIP : Be Confident, Straddle Up

            -The first thing you gotta do before assuming the position is to be confident, seductive and sensual. It might seem like you will need an instruction booklet to get this right but you don't. It is all about perspective. Feel sexy, be sexy. Your guy's dong won't stand in attention if he doesn't find you attractive, so own it. Leaning backward makes your boobs perkier and your stomach flatter. Plus he gets a full frontal view of your glory, which turns him on a lot. 

            - If you'd rather be less revealing, pull your guy's shoulders toward you so you're both sitting upright with your legs wrapped around each other and your torsos melded together. If he prefers to lie down, you could just lean forward as if you're going on a doggy style position and you can proceed to move from there.

            - Another tip : don't be too hasty to put it in. Make sure that he's rock hard and that you're wet. Tease and stimulate him a little bit. Tease him before he enters you by slowly running your fingers down his chest to his shaft and stroking his member until it's good and hard. Then with one hand on the best or his chest for support, hold the base of his penis with your other hand and slowly lower yourself onto him. You can also hover for a bit, brushing against the tip of his member with your clit if it feel good for you. Kiss his chest, stick your butt up in the air and slowly guide his penis into your vagina. Savor it. Make sure that it's entirely in before moving. Give your pelvic muscles a little squeeze for extra sensation. Remember, if you feel good, the chances are so does he!

            SECOND TIP : Move to the Groove

            - Once you got everything settled inside, it's time to settle into a rhythm. Remember, sitting on your guy and pounding on him or grinding circles around his member is not as simple as it sounds. It's really tiring. It involves a lot of your biggest muscles like the ones in your legs. There are other ways to enjoy this position than moving up and down, which gets you tired really fast. Think about it, great sex is all about the rhythm and motion. Both of you have to feel in sync with each other to actually enjoy it. If you move too aggressively, your man who's lying down would never be able to keep up with you.

            - Try moving your hips in a steady circular motion. This way, you'll feel your man rub against all sides of your vaginal walls and you can experiment to find penetration and positioning that feel best for you.

            - You could also slowly rock back and forth instead of bouncing up and down, moving your body forward until your clit presses against his pubic bone. The combination of feeling him inside you as your privates are being stimulated can make your orgasm faster.

            - If you're feeling kinky, you could use a pillow under his butt to raise his pelvis slightly so you could rub against him. You can also fine tune your technique. Arch your back and his member will be against your G-spot. Sit straight up and he'll fit into you more directly, providing a deeper, fuller feel. Keeping your legs together tightens your grip and boosts the sensations for both of you.

            THIRD TIP : Let Him Help You

            - Just because you're in the lead doesn't mean the guy should just lie back and enjoy the ride. (GUYS, TAKE NOTE PLEASE) Ask him to help out if your knees starts to feel sore or when a simple action from his part would make the sex twice as nice.

            - Guys, when you feel like your woman's getting tired, lend a hand by clutching her hips and rear end, gently pulling her forward and backward. You could also try grinding your groins in tandem so you feed off her momentum without letting her to all the waves by herself. Think of it as a sexy seesawing, where you push your pelvis up towards her while she's thrusting down and back. The friction will hike up the excitement and provide clitoral stimulation.

            FOURTH TIP : Double the Pleasure

            - Raise the game by letting him stimulate your breasts, belly and clitoris as you're riding him. Take advantage of the accessibility of being open by getting your man to give you a little manual pleasure. Having him stroke you as you bump and grind gives you twice as much sensation, which can launch you to an orgasm.

            - Here's a tip : Take his hand and make the movements you want him to use so he knows what gets you going. The extra stimulation makes sex better than ever!

            No matter what adjustments need to be made, keep this tip in mind : If he pops out at any point, just put it back in and resume the action. Also avoid thrusting too forcefully or you could bend his penis, which can result in a serious injury.

            Keep these tips in mind and have an awesome experience. Message me on what position should we talk about next! Thanks for reading. <3

            Friday, March 4, 2016

            Beginner's Guide to Anal Sex

            PREPARE YOUR ANUS ...

            When I first indulged in sex, anal sex was never in my list of "Things to Try in Sex". I never liked the idea of having a penis going in and out of my butthole. I thought that it was plainly disgusting. So I never did.

            Well, not until my boyfriend pressured me out of it. I admit, it was a wrong decision. You should never, ever let somebody pressure you to do things. It ruins the fun. The first time I did it, I cried. He had no idea what he was doing. It was brutal and I hated it. I asked him to take it out but he never did until he came. I hated it. From then on, I always snaked my way out of it  every time he asked. 

            But moving forward, we broke up and I ended up with a fuck buddy. He was fun and adventurous on and off the bed but he always made sure in asking of my permission beforehand. After a month of being together, I ended up wanting to try it again and so we did. But this time, it was pleasurable. Painful yet the pleasure was there. 

            Anal sex can be intimidating at first but you can make it easier.

            The reason so many people never want to try anal sex is because they think it will be messy, unsexy or even unsafe. Follow these guidelines during your anal sex preparation and you will never ever have to worry about it being messy or unsexy.

            1. GET SUPER CLEAN 

            - The first part is always crucial. Always make sure to use the bathroom first. Never do it if you feel too full. Avoid any food that might give you a loose stool. After cleaning yourself on the inside, proceed to clean yourself on the outside too. A quick shower and soap can do the trick for that.

            2. STAY SAFE.

            - Always stay safe. Some people think that just because you can't get pregnant by doing it that way, you can just go and skip wearing condoms. Catching an STI from anal sex is possible, thus said, always wear a condom if you guys ever plan on going backdoor.


            - Never! Never be forced in doing something just because your partner wants to. If you feel uncomfortable with it, then you have every right to decline. Trust me, it will feel way better if you, yourself wants to do it.

            4. LUBE IS YOUR FRIEND

            - Yes, some people think that lubricants are messy but come on, it will help you a lot in making the experience easier and much more enjoyable. I suggest going for thick lubricants since water based ones easily dry off.

            5. RELAX

            - Obviously, vaginal sex is different from anal sex. The biggest difference is how it feels for the both of you. For the receiver, it can be quite unpleasant at first, specially if your partner has no idea on how anal sex works.

            6. KNOW "THAT" MUSCLE

            - The anal sphincter is found at the entrance of your anus. This muscle plays a very crucial role in how you will enjoy the deed. This muscle isn't like any other. It doesn't relax very quickly but once it does, it can stretch quite a bit. If your man tries to enter you without letting it relax, then the whole ordeal would become very painful and uncomfortable. I suggest for you to basically relax your sphincter so that you can fit your man's penis comfortably in you. 

            7. GO SLOW

            - The last and arguably the most important part of learning how to prepare for anal sex is making sure to communicate effectively with your partner so that he understands the potential pain he can cause you. I suggest starting in the dogstyle position with your man upright and quite still while you are on fours. This way, you will have full control of how fast and deep you can take him. Remember, he must absolutely stay still at first. Then, as you loosen up more and become more comfortable, you can start allowing him to thrust. Just make sure he doesn't get too caught up and forget the right pace that suits you.

            And that concludes everything that you need to keep in mind as a beginner in anal sex. Stay safe and have a mind blowing experience! 

            Thursday, January 15, 2015


            Another random topic out of the blue and I don't even mean "FOOD". Girls reading this might be wondering, "Why should we swallow? It's gross!" and guys be like, "Damn, that's hot." Studies show that only a few percent of women are into "swallowing". Reason? Well, it has been embedded into our minds that it is gross. But of course, swallowing is so much better than spitting ( as long as he is free from any disease so you better check up your man, girls ) and here are the reasons why!

            1. SEMEN IS NUTRITIOUS.
             ---- I've heard quite a few friends of mine (and me, of course) call it "PROTEIN SHAKE". To be honest, it doesn't just have protein in it but also minerals, calcium, fructose sugar and other nutrients as well. As long as the semen is healthy and free from any disease, then it is good for you.

            2. SEMEN IS DELICIOUS.
            ---- And I am not kidding. Normally, semen tastes bitter and a bit salty but there are different ways a man could actually improve the taste of his semen. Men with healthy diet naturally have better tasting semen than those who don't. Drinking pineapple juice helps makes the taste turn sweeter too. Actually, any fruits that has natural sugar in it (apples , mangoes , etc.) can help make it taste sweeter and makes swallowing easier.

            3. SEMEN IS GOOD FOR THE SKIN.
            ---- I've read once that some salon and spa actually integrate the use of semen in treatments that will help their customers achieve a younger and healthier skin ( applies on hair too ). However, these treatments are expensive as hell! So why not be practical about it? You can get it for free.

            ---- Weird but true. Swallowing is a proof of the emotional bond between you and your man (trust, to be specific). You trust him. A proof of trust and familiarity, also this is a very intimate experience

            ---- Semen can actually improve one's depressive mood. Don't believe me? Google it up! Bio-psychologist Gordon G. Gallup Jr., believes this to be true due to hormones present in seminal fluids.

            ---- Yes, swallowing is easier than spitting. All you have to do is gulp it down like a good girl rather than spitting it out on your hand. And did I mention you still need to find a place to wipe it on? Or you still have to run to the bathroom to wash it off. Just swallow, and just like magic, it's gone!

            7. LESS MESSIER.
            ---- If it gets in your hair, it is sticky. In your eyes, nostrils or ears? Damn, that's gotta hurt a bit. On your body, sticky as fuck. So why not just swallow it? It's good for you anyway.

            8. TOTAL TURN ON
            ---- This actually doesn't apply to all the guys in the world. There are actually a few who don't really enjoy having their semen swallowed. (Trust me, I know one!) But a lot finds this erotic and romantic and the same time, so why not enjoy it as well?

            9. THE PERFECT BLOWJOB
             ---- No matter how good you may be, it is not perfect unless you swallow it in. (Based on a friend's opinion that quite a number of people has agreed to.) In simpler terms, in order to keep the pleasure going on until his climax subsides, you have to swallow it. Just think of yourself in his shoes, not swallowing is the equivalent of him stopping playing with yours just before you climax. Total bummer.

            10. IT IS SIMPLY RUDE NOT TO.
            ---- This probably might be the best that I have read and heard so far. Running towards the bathroom right after the deed can be quite a bit offensive. Hey, wouldn't you find it rude too if he left to wash his fingers off right after fingering you? So buckle up ladies and stop thinking that it's gross because it is not.

            So voila! I finally finished another blog entry, credits to my friends and my old friend, Google of course. Until next post, ladies and gents. Just have fun in giving your man a stellar blowjob and you will definitely be rewarded as well. Au revoir!

            Saturday, August 2, 2014

            So this is the Paolo Bediones scandal which became the talk of the town last week. Anyway, I posted this on my blog not as an insult to the characters involved but to establish the fact that there is nothing wrong with making your own sex videos. When it gets leaked and it happened that the video becomes a proof of your infidelity, then that is another story.

            Plus, I have to point out that this certain video is actually good. Compared to other scandals and amateur sex videos, it has its own charm. Both parties are attractive and you can see that they were really actually enjoying the deed. To make the story short, this video isn't disgusting at all.

            P.S. Nobody reads my blogs anyway so it's not that much of a problem to post the video here.

            Monday, July 7, 2014

            What Men Dislike When It Comes To Sex

            Girls who are probably reading this right now might be thinking, "Really? There are things that guys don't like when it comes to sex?" Oh well, it's natural for women to think that way, most of us think that men don't have any preferences, just give them a hole to enter and they'll happily ram their dongs in it.

            But that isn't true. Well, most of the time. Men are unique. They differ from each other, from the types of girls they like to how they like it on bed. So I asked around and collected answers from most of my friends and some strangers. There might be guys and even gals, who might not agree with this, so I will point out once again that men's tastes differ from one another. Plus, all of these are their opinion, it is up to you to agree or disagree :)

            Here goes!

            1. TOO NOISY

            Sex is so much better when you can express the level of intensity through your voice. But ladies, kindly keep in mind that too much noise is annoying. You just can't go around screaming your lungs out. Try to keep your voice loud enough only for the two of you to hear. But then again, if your guy is the type who likes to hear you scream for more, then I guess there's nothing wrong with that. But guys normally prefer when you can just moan in a natural, normal and sensual way.

            On my point of view, it's kind of hard. I have never been the quiet type. But I do know how to suppress my voice depending on how my partner likes it and on where we are doing it. If you're being kinky in public, you definitely don't want to scream to the world that you're doing something naughty, right? But still, suppressing your voice has its benefits, you can feel the sensations better this way.

            2. TOO DEMANDING

            Woman on top is a very sexy and kinky idea but let's face it, women being too dominating during sex and too demanding is a total turn off. The woman would be presenting herself to be bossy, making the man nervous or the act might lead the man to lose his cool or his confidence. Yes, you can demand. You're free to do so. But always remember to keep an equal relationship when it comes to demanding. Guys have feelings too. Their ego is way bigger than us girls so it is up to us to satisfy their manly ego as their partner. If you come off to be too demanding and bossy, you might end up losing the chemistry between the two of you.

            On my part, I rarely demand. I am the pleaser type. I'd prefer to please rather than to be pleased. Well, I'm not saying that I don't want to be pleased but if I could please my partner in any way possible, it would be sure that he would definitely please me back in return. Unless he's a total asshole who doesn't even know about the give or take rule though. But thus said, if you're partner feels satisfied, he, in return, will also give it his best to satisfy you too. But then again, there are certain things that I do dislike when it comes to sex and when the push comes to shove, that's the only time I demand for "No" but even if I say no, I'll do whatever I can to make up for that.

            3.  TOO CHATTY

            It is okay to be chatty but being TOO CHATTY is definitely a no. Most men like a little bit of peace after the deed has been done. Or if we're going to look at it on the "during" perspective, of course, no one would definitely like someone talking nonsense while you're trying to make love or fuck (might as well point out that making love and having sex are different matters). It definitely ruins the mood.

            So I guess I'll be sharing an experience of mine, this was the most recent experience that I had and I admit, I was too chatty. I was really comfortable with him and we had so much to talk about I ended up sharing and talking a lot while we were doing the deed. Good thing he told me that I was starting to get really chatty and I caught myself and made it up to him in the second round. I loved how he moaned and cursed (WHO'S THE NOISY ONE NOW?!) Hahaha! But I realized that being too chatty can actually ruin the mood.

            4.  TOO MUCH MAKE UP ON 

            Alright, I can't help but agree on this one A LOT. Putting on make up is okay but make up on even during sexy time? A bit of powder and lip tint would do the trick but too much make up is definitely a no go for me. I find messy hair a total turn on though but smeared make up definitely ruins the mood for me. If your make up isn't water proof then just wash it off before going to bed. Men prefer the natural look, as what most of them told me. I even watched porn videos before where the lead female porn star had too much make up on her it looked disgusting beyond words when she started sweating due to the intensity of how she was fucked. Okay seriously, who won't get sweaty after a sweet, satisfying sex session? Get my point? Go for glowing skin against dim lights (light, oil control powder) and sexy sultry lips that looks begging to be kissed (lip shiner / lip tints). Be natural. Messy hair looks hot but don't overdo it though.

            5.  TOO STIFF

            Stiff girls suck! A lot! And I don't mean stiff in the sense where she's hard as a fucking twig! I meant stiff like she doesn't even enjoy what they're doing and she just lies there, letting the guy do whatever he wants with a displeased look on her face and when the guy asks her what's wrong, she'll just say "NOTHING". IS THAT NOT A TURN OFF FOR YOU?! Well?

            Guys like it more when girls are into it. Even with blowjobs. It doesn't matter if you can't give a proper blowjob. It doesn't even matter if you can't deepthroat him, as long as he can see and feel that you're into it, whatever the fuck on Earth you're doing will be more enjoyable. What more on the actual intercourse, right? So ladies, feel it, enjoy it and LOVE EVERY FUCKING SECOND. Like literally. 

            SO THERE YOU GO! These are the Top Five and the most specific among all the answers that I've collected from my friends and a few others. Well there are still other answers like, too hairy (girls who don't trim or shave) or too smelly (not the musky odor smell of the vagina, rather than the body smell) or even too shy but I just picked the Top Five among the answers haha. So ladies, whether you agree or not, it would be best to keep these in mind. And for guys, if it so happens that there is something about your partner that turns you off that can be easily changed, telling her nicely what it is that bothers you won't hurt so don't hesitate to do so. Thanks for reading <3

            Sunday, May 11, 2014

            Guidelines for First Timers

            I had to put blogging on hold since our connection isn't going really well right now. And due to a friend's demand, what I will be blogging about would be "Guidelines for First Timers".

            And as usual, we'd be focusing on sex. I've had quite a number of friends who were very disappointed with their first time experience so one suggested that I should make a guideline about it.

            First timers usually rely on what they see from movies or clips, specially from porn. As a matter of fact, I find it useful but there is always a tendency that what you'll follow is not what your partner will like. So you have to make sure that what you will be doing will satisfy both of your needs without going overboard or maybe, disappoint each other.

            There will be three types of First Timers and the categories would be,

            A. First Time for Virgins (Type A)
            - Basically means that both of you are virgins 

            B. First Time for Virgins (Type B)
            - Basically means that one of you is a virgin

            C. First Time for Non Virgins
            - Both of you are not virgins yet it would be the first time that you would be having sex

            Now let's be more intricate with each type.

            No offense for virgins out there but this might be a possibility or maybe, close enough.

            A. First Time for Virgins (Type A)

            1. Take it slow.
            - Don't rush things. You're not in a hurry aren't you? I've always believed that every person's first sexual encounter must be special. Don't follow what you usually see in porn where they'd just devour each other like hungry beasts. I know, it's a total turn on. But we're talking about your first time so you might want to slow down a bit. :)

            2. Know each other's body
            - I'm not saying this literally so don't take it that way. What I'm pointing out is find out where your partner's erogenous zones are. Neck, ears, boobs, tummy or whatever part it would be, you'll know. And how to? Well, here's a tip. Slowly caress and kiss your partner all over and the part where you'd get a moan in response, not the usual kind of moan though and that's it. Always remember those zones and your sex life will have a great start.

            3. Prolong foreplay
            - Yes, this is quite hard to imagine when you're virgins. The rush of being able to feel what it would be like to have a warm pussy wrap around yours (for males) or how it would feel to have a hard dick enter and break your love cave for the first time (for females) might make you of control but please don't. Prolong foreplay as much as possible, in this way, the first and second guideline fits in. You'll take it slow and you can get to know each other's body better.

            4. Give and take
            - Both of you are virgins and it's only natural that it would be the guy who would take the lead. Sex is always a give and take process and it is quite understandable if the female would usually have hesitations or what ifs even during the intercourse. So guys, you have to treat your partner gently and girls, never give up your virginity when you're not definite. It would lead to trouble. And another thing, girls, don't act all embarrassed during the deed. It might be cute but some definitely go overboard with the act. Also, you can't just lie and have your partner please you, you also have to please him in return.

            5. The Deed
            - To make it short and simple, start with the missionary style. Since I was told that it is the best position to start with when you're about to lose your virginity ( for females ) though mine wasn't that. And you could start experimenting with other positions later on as long as both of you are comfortable with it already. And for guys, don't rush on cumming. I think it's self explanatory why it isn't advisable for men to cum fast.

            Woman in control <3 Hell hot!

            B. First Time for Virgins (Type B)

            Well, the guidelines for Type A would just correspond with this but with minor changes on 4 and 5.

            For Give and Take, I stated that it would be natural for the guy to take the lead, but this time around, the person who should take the lead should be the one with experience already. But nevertheless, even if it would be the girl who would take the lead, the guy would still be obliged to please her as much as possible without breaking the momentum.

            And for the deed, if it's the girl who is the virgin, you could just follow the guide number 5 on Type A, but if it would be the guy, heck you can do all you want. Go total hardcore if you'd like to. Nah, just kidding but if the thought amuses you, feel free to apply it. Start with a cowgirl or reverse cowgirl or whatever position you'd like as long as the woman is in control then without breaking the moment, the girl goes on submissive and the guy becomes the dominant until he finishes. AND PLEASE, DON'T RUSH!

            Wild and definitely loving it. Hardcore is <3

            C. First Time for Non Virgins

            And once more, minor changes on 4 and 5.

            For Give and Take, well, the one who would be dominant would rely on your decisions. Maybe you'd take turns or whatever the hell you want to do as long as you give back whatever pleasure you may receive :)

            For the deed, well, be free to do whatever the hell you want to do as long as both of you are comfortable with it. So it's best advised for you to talk before getting it on. And don't rely on the same old boring positions. Try new things. On my part, I use Kamasutra Lite App on Android to try random positions but since it's your first time, if one of you is not really up for it then I guess you could stick to the basics. And then again, there's always another way, like convincing your partner :)

            So that's it! Those are the top 5 basic guidelines I could come up for first timers. There might be more but as long as you also keep what I posted in mind and add them with your ideas, your sex life is off to a great journey.

            Stay updated. I'm planning to make Top No-No's during Sex. I was inspired with the idea while I was watching porn. The girl had too much unnatural make up that made her look like a witch and I know for sure she wasn't cosplaying. And the guy didn't even do foreplay and I was like, damn, some people need to learn. Yes, they were amateurs but you get the idea. Thanks for reading <3